videos Archive
How to build, bright, high-quality flickering LED lanterns!

When I was young I went to Disney World and while I enjoyed the park, it was the lighting fixture and effects that really captivated my interest. In particular I loved the flickering lanterns that festooned the tree in the waiting area for Splash Mountain. For years I’ve wanted
The Steampunk Roadster

Update: car has been sold! In a few short months The Steampunk Workshop will celebrate it’s 10th birthday! I can barely believe that it’s been ten whole years since this whole “steampunk” thing blew up on the internets. It’s been a lot of fun for me, but I also
The Majestic Bellowphone – Hungarian Dance #5

My friend Len Solomon writes: “Here’s a clip of the Hungarian Dance #5, performed on the Majestic Bellowphone. The piece was originally scored for 4-hand bellowphone, but I come to find out that I’m the only one who plays this contraption, so I used my version; adapted for 2
SPWS Youtube Channel

Subscribe to The Steampunk Workshop Youtube Channel Now! Hi folks! I’m going to be making a concerted effort to post more videos of my projects. I’ll continue with the step-by-step photos and write-ups but I’m going to augment those with video overviews and to that end I’ve acquired a new video camera and
Prusa Mendel Mods
Note: I'm trying something new here, I recorded the video and then submitted it to Amazon Mechanical Turk for transcription below. I've only done a small amount of editing to the text and added a few still shots. Hi Jake Von Slatt here. I want to show you some of the
Not Enemies!
Brand new from my bestie Nathaniel Johnstone and 2Tall Animation comes this re-imagination of a childhood classic!
Vintage Tomorrows – At Powell’s Books Monday March 25th

Hey Portland! Don't miss futurist Brian David Johnson and cultural historian James Carrott at they explore steampunk, a cultural movement that's captivated thousands of artists, designers, makers, hackers, and writers throughout the world. The even is at Powell's Books at Cedar Hills Crossing on Monday, March 25th @ 7:00PM. Hey! I really like the model they got
Ayleen the Peacemaker at Roger Williams University: “Re-Racing Steampunk: Race, Memory & Retrofuturism”
Longtime friend of SPWS speaks at Roger Williams University on race and steampunk: Re-Racing Steampunk: Race, Memory & Retrofuturism.
Beautifully made Neeman Tools video
One day, I'll give up this life of technology and live as a simple country woman; hewing my home from the forests around me. I'll produce artisan works and take absolute care in every detail; letting time slide by as I build each piece to perfection. Then I'll make
He’s British!
The Professor writes: Well hello. To counter this dark, wintery drudge we find ourselves wedged inside, may we offer a little splendid summer sunshine – the first single from the BRAND NEW Professor Elemental album, 'Father Of Invention'. Available right blooming now, from Directed by Moog with music