Meredith Scheff Archive
Ira Sherman’s mechanical sculptures: yes sir, may I have another?

Entombed in an ancient Geocities site, Ira Sherman’s mechanized sculpture (Google-cache) is unsettling in a very seductive way. It’s as if medieval doctors were transported to some futuristic-sounding year (what is that year, now that we live in 2009?), given free reign to unwilling subjects and a metal shop.
Clockwork Hand

The Clockwork Hand by deviantart user Astalo is lovely in it’s craftsmanship. It is, however, a strange cross between cyborg upgrade and flirtatious torture device- wear it for super strength or make someone else wear it, turn the crank, forcibly making the ‘come hither’ motion , over and over
Handsome font for you pica pushers
Typography can be (and usually is) tremendous amount of stress. I, for one, tear my hair out every time I see the currently ubiquitous Bleeding Cowboys; another friend has a dysfunctional relationship with Papyrus- over and over he vows it’s over- only to be found trysting at midnight, kerning.
Fables cover art book out today
The long awaited (release has been pushed back several times) cover art book for Fables has come out today. It compiles all the amazing and moving covers that James Jean has done for the series, issues 1-75. The cherry on top that is really making me squeal with
Dig my grave with a lacy shovel: The art of Cal Lane
Cal Lane is quite a lady. Oxy-acetalyne torch in hand, she intracately carves out lace-like patterns out of shovels, wheelbarows, cars, and most impresively- full sized I-beams. Just looking at her work, I wish i was able to experience it first hand- These formidable, unwieldy, solid hunks of steel
Austin, Grackles, and the Junk King

I have been tootling around Austin for a couple days now, guided mainly by locals scribbling favored destination on scraps of paper. I’ve visited (and took a dip in) Austin’s famed Barton Springs park ("dude" an old hippie told me "it’s, like, Austin’s spiritual center"), drank Shiner Bock at
It really should be gear shaped, though

Pin from Democratic Stuf thanks, Aaron!
Maker Faire Roundup: The creme de la awesome
As you might have noticed, I spent the weekend being continually shocked at Maker Faire: Austin; not to mention 3-d scanned, felted and laser etched. Out of all of this, though, there are a few projects and people who really stood out as being extra-super-special-spice awesome. (note: do to
Meredith is Live Blogging Maker Faire: Austin!
Lucky lucky Meredith Scheff is at Maker Faire Austin right now and she’s twittering everything she sees! You can follow her here or add satiredun on Twitter. A final, fantastic show by arc attack concludes maker faire: Austin 2008. about an hour ago I Cant tell you how happy
Countdown to Maker Faire:Austin- and a new guest blogger

It’s only two days until Maker Faire: Austin, and my mad scientist bones are a-tingling with excitement. I’m downright giddy. I know from previous experience that there is no straight forward way to cover the Mass Awesome that is Maker Faire- all I can ever do is run around like