Libby Bulloff Archive
The Steampunk Bible
The Steampunk Bible is out! I helped connect Jeff and S.J. with people doing cool things in the movement and I wrote what I hope is the definitive candy tin etching how-to for this book. Our fashion editor Libby Bulloff also contirbuted articles and LOTS of shiny photography, including
The Future of SteamPunk Fashion — SteamPunk Magazine #7

Our own Libby Bulloff has a wonderful article in the current issue of SteamPunk Magazine. Libby makes the case for what needs to happen for Steampunk to become a sustainable style rather than mere and fleeting fashion. Within, she examines current trends in Steampunk dress and warns that: We’re
These Shoes Rule – for the Ladies

Someone once told me that the first things people look at when they meet you are your shoes and your hands. It's very easy to tell if someone uses their hands to make things as they tend to have callouses, weathered skin, and may have curious stains or broken
Cheap and Easy Fabric Dye From Natural Sources

One of the ways I upcycle old, worn garments is to dye them. Stained, stretched-out beaters, ratty petticoats, and once-white tuxedo shirts with dingy collars enshroud themselves in new life when dropped into a steaming bucket of color. As my best friend is a pedigreed textiles artist, I've spent
Yr Doin’ It Right #3 – Sweep

As seen this morning via the oddity sandwich that is Google Buzz/riotclitshave: Model: Ulorin Vex Photographer: Allan Amato This is definitely Doin' It Right [TM]. Heck yes.
Etsy Fashion Finds #1 is indubitably Mecca for handmade steampunk clothing. Here are a few awesome pieces I dug up this morning. If you have any favorite Etsy sellers or items, feel free to leave them in the comments. Read on for details! Thank you. 1.) Wool Gabardine Dress
Quaintrelles, Dandies, and Flâneurs #3
~~~~~ Back with another round of street fashion and casual, wearable steampunk! This week's featured soul is writer and critic Jessica Lawson. I stayed at her current residence in San Francisco last week as I toured with The Ghosts Project, and I was pleasantly surprised when she emerged in
Yr Doin’ It Right #2 – Flickr Favorites
One of my favorite late-night time-wasting activities is trolling Flickr for shiny bits. There are so many glorious puddles of inspiration nestled in photo sets and galleries, and I adore frolicking through them. I'd like to share with you some of my tasty findings in regards to vintage punk
Corporate Steampunk Fashion
In Jake's post on goth, via the comment thread, Sangori asked a fashion question I'd like to address: "How do you really, I mean really, incorporate your subculture style into your everyday work life? Call me a fence-straddler, (I have come to terms with the fact that I am)
Maker Resolutions for 2010
A very happy new year to all of our readers from the staff of SPWS! 2010 really does sound like the future, does it not? I feel like this year is going to be very productive and positive for many of us. On that note, I'd like to ask