Lamps Archive
The Steampunk Roadster

Update: car has been sold! In a few short months The Steampunk Workshop will celebrate it’s 10th birthday! I can barely believe that it’s been ten whole years since this whole “steampunk” thing blew up on the internets. It’s been a lot of fun for me, but I also
Quick Lamp Making Tip: Fast Nuts!
How to move 3/8 inch nuts really quickly along long lengths of threaded lamp pipe.
Just Look at this Blimp Lamp!

I love this blimp lamp from Flaminio Bovino ! At first I thought this was a render–and we don't publish those here–but on closer examination it appears that the trusses are actually water-jet cut from steel and the brass bit are hand turned. It's real! Not only real, they are
Mjöllnir Lamps for the Roadster

Some projects take a long time. Sometimes I start something and then put it aside, in this case for more that two years! When Make:TV came out to the workshop to shoot a profile of me in July of 2008, one of the projects that I worked on for
Rechargable Lantern Battery Flashlight Mod

I have several 6 volt lantern flashlights kicking around the shop. However, I never use them because I generally baulk at the $7 they want for a lantern battery that can't be recharged. But the other day I noticed a 4Ah 6 volt recharable lead acid battery at Home
Chandelier Candle Retro-fit

When we moved into our house there was an electric chandelier in our dining room. It was an adequate enough fixture but incandescent chandeliers are terribly inefficient, six 25 watt bulbs actually put out a fraction of the amount of light as a single bulb of half the combined
Kerosene Acorn Burner Sconce Lamp

I was having a hard time this morning getting started working in the shop. I get one day a week to work in the shop and as a result I often end up with a list of things I want to get done that is about three times longer
Lyra’s Lamp

We have a new puppy in the house, and while this is a wonderful thing in general, it means I sometimes have to get up in the middle of the night to let him out. The problem is I don't have a bedside lamp so I end up stumbling
Dump Finds: Rayo Lamp, Typewriter

As of late last year we were banned from pulling items for our town dump’s metal and wood recycling bins. The stated reason was ‘public safety’ but it was fairly clear from the expressions on the faces of a few of our town’s selectmen during the discussion that the
Putting an Angle Lamp Back in Oil

One of the tragic realities of Angle Lamps is that many have been electrified in a crude and destructive manner. Below is such a lamp. I bought this lamp on eBay thinking that it was solid brass. I intended to move the burners from a tin plate Angle Lamp
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