Jake von Slatt Archive

SPWS Youtube Channel

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Subscribe to The Steampunk Workshop Youtube Channel Now! Hi folks! I’m going to be making a concerted effort to post more videos of my projects. I’ll continue with the step-by-step photos and write-ups but I’m going to augment those with video overviews and to that end I’ve acquired a new video camera and

New(ish) Sewing Machine into an Old Table

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Some time ago I found an antique White sewing machine at the dump. At first glance it looked to be in really good shape but upon closer inspection it was clear that it had sat in a damp environment for a long, long time. The hide glue on most

VW Type 3 Replacement Carburetor Linkage

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I'm working on an old Volkswagen Type 3 for a friend, she's sort of an automotive foster child. The car in question is a 1972 VW Squareback named Adelaide and she is in surprisingly good shape except for her motor. But fortunately I have in my warehouse a spare Type 3 engine that

Altoids Tin Divider and Tweezers

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One of my most popular projects has been the etched Altoids tins that I made for the Steampunk Bible article I wrote. For years I've carried one in my bag that I've used for various medications and vitamin pills when traveling. I had cut up one of those typical

Make:Blog 5 4 3 2 1 Things About . . .

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… me!  The lovely folks over at Make:Blog asked me to answer some questions for their 5 4 3 2 1 Things About . . . series and I was more than happy to oblige!

Foundry Furnace – Final

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UPDATE: I have to stop saying “final iteration!” The latest upgrade to the foundry furnace is a Babbington style burner for the waste oil. The Babbington burner atomizes the waste oil fuel before injecting it into the furnace and make for much more controllable and stable combustion. The burner is built

Vintage Tomorrows – At Powell’s Books Monday March 25th

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Hey Portland! Don't miss futurist Brian David Johnson and cultural historian James Carrott at they explore steampunk, a cultural movement that's captivated thousands of artists, designers, makers, hackers, and writers throughout the world. The even is at Powell's Books at Cedar Hills Crossing ​on Monday, March 25th @ 7:00PM. Hey! I really like the model they got


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Here is a thing I made.

Steampunk Stratocaster #2

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I just finished up Steampunk Stratocaster #2 and will be sending it out to be in a gallery show in Indianapolis Indiana in February! Circle City Aerodrome Steampunk Art Show: 'Punked:Yesterday's Tomorrows   On Friday the 1st, the night before the Masquerade we will be hosting a reception in honor

Babbington Burner upgrade to the Foundry Furnace

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