Interviews Archive
Tom Sepe’s Steampunk Motorbike

An Interview By Meredith Scheff Wandering through the industrial neighborhood of West Oakland, You'll find more than a few warehouse art studios, each one filled to the brim with all manner of projects; from giant robots to huge metal art – and of course steam machines. A few days
Ada Lovelace Day – Limor Fried: Open Source Entrepreneur
Photo courtesy of Fumi This is from last year's Ada Lovelace Day but I thought I'd pop it back to the front page especially since Limor is doing such an incredible job over at making one post per hour! When I was growing up there were all
TechnOccult interview with Alex CF

TechnOccult inteviews wunderkammer artist AlexCF: I guess it all started with this little box, called “The Vampire Legacy Case” about a 14th century aristocratic vampire, the last rites and possessions of this vampiric lord. I had the idea of creating an alternative past, creating characters and species with which
Austin, Grackles, and the Junk King

I have been tootling around Austin for a couple days now, guided mainly by locals scribbling favored destination on scraps of paper. I’ve visited (and took a dip in) Austin’s famed Barton Springs park ("dude" an old hippie told me "it’s, like, Austin’s spiritual center"), drank Shiner Bock at
Yeah, there’s Punk in Steampunk: Johnny Payphone

I met Johnny Payphone on the Brass Goggles Forum in it’s early days. He would drop by periodically and lob thought-bombs into our midst that touched off fire-storms of discussion on the core nature of Steampunk and just how much ‘Punk’ there was in it. Here is a wonderful
Portrait of a mad scientist: Alan Rorie of

(image: Alan Rorie working on the Dihemispheric Chronaether Agitator. Photo by Flickr user and KSW patron Great!steam) I've never been so enamored with any character type as I have with the mad scientist. The shop, filled with inventions, doo-dads; explosions from nowhere send machinery flying while (s)he runs yelling
Jules Vernian Analog Synthesizer

It makes me happy when people write me about things they’ve made, and when they’ve been inspired or have adopted techniques they’ve learned from the Steampunk Workshop it makes me very happy indeed! Peter wrote me a while back with some pictures of his latest project, a Jules Verne
Boston Phoenix Video
I completely forgot that The Boston Phoenix shot video when they came out to the workshop to interview me! They've just put it up on their site and I've embedded it here: If you haven't read the whole piece you should! It contains a LOT more then just me,
Meredith Scheff Interviews Phil Foglio

[Editors Note: I'm very happy to have the opportunity to introduce you to Meredith Scheff who will be doing a series of articles for The Steampunk Workshop where she will "go exploring in the jungles of maker workshops; and share the images with you, the hopefully regular reader." Meredith