Ephemera Archive
The Ordinator: Slighty Baffling but Beautiful Sculpture

I’m not entirely sure what I am looking at here, but the ‘Ordinator‘ by Flickr user Imajilon is a pretty sexy bit of workmanship. It’s like some weird steampunk/psychedilic milkshake. I want to pull the levers and run my hands over the grill; expecting electrical shocks and vision quests.
Halloween Decorations 2007
Flying Crank Ghost !! Here’s a daylight movie of our implementation of the PhantasMechanics Flying Crank Ghost: And here’s a night time shot: Field Trip to Hell !! Pictures of our complete Hallowe’en setup are coming but I thought I’d share with you the main attraction this year. Our
Gallery of Found Objects

On Saturday when I go to the dump I carry with me a long steel hook which allows me to fish interesting things out of the metal re-cycling dumpster. I’ll also stop and look through intersting piles left curbside for collection on trash day. Some find this practice unseemly, but
Philatelic Keyboards – More Model M Goodness

Andy sent me a couple of shots of his beautiful stamp decorated keyboards. He write that he's made about 10 of these beauties. Each of his keyboards are made with the stamps of a single nation and often commemorate a royal coronation or celebrate a particular sport. Andy's friends
Halloween Decorations 2006

Well, we haven't done a Steampunk Hallowe'en yet – maybe next year. This year's the theme is "Pirates" of course. It's a big year for Pirates. This is Geoffrey, he's a version of the Phantasmechanics Flying Crank Ghost . Click to view the movie. There's a bit more tweaking to