Had the privilege of meeting congressional candidate Alexandra Chandler at our home. To quote The West Wing: She’s the real deal. An unapologetic progressive who is a systems thinker and knows how to operate the machine. I’m impressed, inspired, and hopeful! http://alexandrachandler.com

Had the privilege of meeting congressional candidate Alexandra Chandler at our home. To quote The West Wing: She’s the real deal. An unapologetic progressive who is a systems thinker and knows how to operate the machine. I’m impressed, inspired, and hopeful! http://alexandrachandler.com

Had the privilege of meeting #MA3 congressional candidate Alexandra Chandler at our home. To quote The West Wing: She’s the real deal. An unapologetic progressive who is a systems thinker and knows how to operate the machine. I’m impressed, inspired, and hopeful! http://alexandrachandler.com