Video Archive
Vintage Receiver Repair – finding a noisy transistor

Troubleshooting and repair of the vintage Pioneer SX-838 receiver that had a noisy transistor. In this video I clean all of the controls, switches, and potentiometers and then because I didn’t have the necessary 2NA725 PNP transistor, I substituted a 2N3906 PNP transistor and it worked great! Featuring music
How to build, bright, high-quality flickering LED lanterns!

When I was young I went to Disney World and while I enjoyed the park, it was the lighting fixture and effects that really captivated my interest. In particular I loved the flickering lanterns that festooned the tree in the waiting area for Splash Mountain. For years I’ve wanted
WTF is a Saturable Reactor?

A saturable reactor is an arcane piece of electrical kit that modulates a large AC current with a small DC input. This unit was removed from a Bridgeport Series II CNC milling machine where it was used to regulate the power supply to the stepper motor drivers that moved
TIL: you can totally use a Ford regulator on a Toyota alternator, it bolts right on!

TIL: you can totally use a Ford regulator on a Toyota alternator, it bolts right on!
The #ratwelder – Part 5 in the DIY Welder Series!

The latest episode in the homemade welder series wherein I complete an enclosure for the #ratwelder so I can store it outside without having to put a tarp over it.
The Steampunk Roadster

Update: car has been sold! In a few short months The Steampunk Workshop will celebrate it’s 10th birthday! I can barely believe that it’s been ten whole years since this whole “steampunk” thing blew up on the internets. It’s been a lot of fun for me, but I also
The best animated airship in steampunkdom

I recently received a rather cryptic email containing a link to this video. I don’t know much about it, but this is probably the best animated airship in all of steampunk.
Stroh Violin Repair

I generally do not take commissions, however every once in a while a friend will ask me to make or repair something and it will be an interesting enough project that I will take it on. That was the case with this Stroh violin. The Stroh violin was an
Who Ya Gonna Call? 2014 Hallowe’en Decorations

This year our theme for Hallowe’en was Ghostbusters! The inspiration was my wife’s as she looked at the 1973 VW Type III Squareback that is sitting in our driveway. Her name (the car, not my wife) is Adelaide and I am fixing her up for a friend. She will
DIY Table Saw Dust Collector

I am very careful with saw dust in my workshop ever since discovering that I was allergic to it several years ago. However, I’ve gotten tired of dragging my large shop vac from machine to machine in my workshop for dust collecting when cutting wood. I realized that I