Fashion Archive

Steampunk Stahp! Or the Appropriation of Prada

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Numi Prasarn is an artist, producer, and maker who has cut her teeth on a multitude of mediums and roles in the fashion and photography industries. Obsessed with fashion theory and with creating avenues for people to gain aesthetic control of their lives, Numi has turned to writing in places

Steampunk Couture Hot on the Runway (and We’re Not Talking Airships)

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Here at The Steampunk Workshop we are in the process of re-vamping our site to focus more on feature articles rather than short blog posts. In addition We’re seeking writers to help us cover topics that we’re interested in but know little about. Below is the first of those articles from

Strange Hours Atelier

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One of the things that I like most about going to Steampunk events is that I get to meet people that I've known online for years–in person for the first time. Earlier this year the city of Waltham, Massachusetts hosted The Interntional Steampunk City event. This was a city-wide

A Scarf a Day!

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Hey y'all! SPWS' own Meredith Scheff is doing a "Scarf-a-Day" project that you should definitely check-out! Starting january 1, 2011, I will make one scarf a day each day in the month. I'll be using everything from traditional techniques and materials to the experimental, the new, the weird, the

Sub-culture friendly Gender Playful Marketplace

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UPDATED: Donate now at to get this off the ground! One of the really wonderful things about Steampunk is that it, more than any other sub-culture, seems to want to teach us things. I have always been very interested in the technology of the 19th Century, it's been a passion

Open Source Jewelry – Improbablecog

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Noah has posted an update at Kickstarter with upgraded rewards for contributors! Good friend and fellow tribesman Noah Beasley is joining the Open Source commerce fray, offering up some of his most popular designs. [My] Items are created in a computer with modeling software, and then converted from bits

Lastwear Kickstarter Project needs your support

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I'm backing these folks and you should too! "Because we support maker culture, we will release our production patterns on our site for download so that people can sew their own versions of our garments. In addition, we will be documenting our progress so that others can learn from

The North Skirt

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It's finally finished, and that means, I finally get to show it to you. The NorthSkirt is a soft circuit project that incorporates my redesigned flexible soft-circuit boards (now, StarBoards), a hacked NorthPaw kit, and a strong desire to have a soft-circuit project actually DO something. What does it

The Future of SteamPunk Fashion — SteamPunk Magazine #7

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Our own Libby Bulloff has a wonderful article in the current issue of SteamPunk Magazine. Libby makes the case for what needs to happen for Steampunk to become a sustainable style rather than mere and fleeting fashion. Within, she examines current trends in Steampunk dress and warns that: We’re

1892 repro shoes

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The always awesome Doctor Popular writes: Hey Jake, I believe you know about my recent sponsorship deal with Colchester Rubber Co. If not, you can read about it here They are extending their $18.92 sale for one more day and getting rid of the "email us to get a promo code"