Meredith Scheff Archive

The Handcar Regatta

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I am sorely tempted to build an entry for Dr. Erasmus P. Kitty’s Great Hand-Car Regatta. There’s not much info, but it looks like some great things are already being built. I love the idea of human powered vehicles to put to use some of the vast swaths of

Clockworks: The art of Liam McNamara

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Liam Mcnamara built The Clockworks for the Burning Man festival waaay back in 2005. A 3 story tall all wooden, working, click-tocking time-keepin’ clocktower, and then burned it to the ground at the end of the week. Yes, even the clockwork gears were CNC routed out of wood.  It

The Ordinator: Slighty Baffling but Beautiful Sculpture

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I’m not entirely sure what I am looking at here, but the ‘Ordinator‘ by Flickr user Imajilon is a pretty sexy bit of workmanship. It’s like some weird steampunk/psychedilic milkshake. I want to pull the levers and run my hands over the grill; expecting electrical shocks and vision quests. 

Steampunk Workshop at Maker Faire !

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I am happy to announce that The Steampunk Workshop will be making a grand appearance at this years Maker Faire! For those of you not acquainted with it; "Maker Faire is a two-day, family-friendly event that celebrates the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) mindset. It’s for creative, resourceful people of all ages

Meredith Scheff Interviews Phil Foglio

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[Editors Note: I'm very happy to have the opportunity to introduce you to Meredith Scheff who will be doing a series of articles for The Steampunk Workshop where she will "go exploring in the jungles of maker workshops; and share the images with you, the hopefully regular reader." Meredith