Keyboards Archive
Alternative to Typewriter Keys
Marcus writes: There are only so many broken typewriters in the world – so it’s going to be difficult to get my hands on a decent set of keys. You can’t get them on ebay here in Europe, importing them from the US would’ve been hilariously expensive – so
Sims Steampunk!

Wow! somebody Simmified my Steampunk, monitor, keyboard and the Mae West lamp! Have a look!
YASPKB! Yet Another Steampunk Keyboard

Here’s another Steampunk keyboard, and one of the closest copies of the original I’ve seen to date! I was alerted to it by the creator of this wonderful example – Peter Sztojanov jr. from the beautiful city of Budapest – who commented on my MySpace page. There are quite a
Small form factor keyboard and monitor

Here’s a nice little keyboard and monitor set from Daniel Pon. I particularly like the small form factor, I have a Happy Hacker KB kicking around the shop that I might do something like thing too.
Steampunk Keyboard from Germany

Kay writes: I have often been inspired and impressed by your work. Here you can see one of my lastest projects. It’s a original german steampunk keyboard. More pics you find at: There is nothing I like to hear more then that! and man-oh-man did he do a
Tiny Tiny Steampunk Keyboard

While aimlessly wandering around the internet during my lunch hour today I was absolutely delighted to run across this tiny tiny steampunk keyboard made by Lizabeta! Have a look here for more information.
Type-O-Matic Keyboard
During a recent book signing in Seattle William Gibson was asked about the Steampunk modding craze. I think it was really cool that he was aware of us! In addition he commented: "My one complaint is, they make these things look all shiny and new…I think they should look…distressed."
Dave Veloz’s Mac Mini Mod, Monitor, & Keyboard

There is nothing in the world that I like better then receiving pictures of things that people have been inspired to build by my projects. When I opened my mail and discovered these photos I squeed like teen on LJ! In interviews I've often described Steampunk as the intersection of technology
Philatelic Keyboards – More Model M Goodness

Andy sent me a couple of shots of his beautiful stamp decorated keyboards. He write that he's made about 10 of these beauties. Each of his keyboards are made with the stamps of a single nation and often commemorate a royal coronation or celebrate a particular sport. Andy's friends
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