Jake von Slatt Archive
Quick Prescription Goggles

I'm interested in applying the Steampunk aesthetic to daily fashion, but I am not so interested in Steampunk costuming so I really only wear goggles when I am cutting steel or brazing with my oxyacetylene torch. But since I wear glasses, when I do use goggles to protect my eyes I
Mystic Radio – Hendrick’s Gin Curate a Box Give Away
Nearly a year ago the nice folks at Hendrick's Gin contacted me to see if I'd like to do a box for their "Curate a Box" contest give away. Well, I had never tasted their product so I demurred until I had a chance to sample it at last
Putting Old Lenses on a Canon DSLR

While digging through my old camera equipment I came across my Grandfather’s 35mm Exa . While I have absolutely no desire to revisit the days of film, I was kind of interested in what sort of image the old German made lens would produce on my modern Canon DSLR
The Fob

http://www.flickr.com/photos/steeljam/ / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Lynette Fibonacci was frustrated, after rebooting three times she still couldn’t get on the net. Maybe she would relent and let her boyfriend install his precious Linux – but then she was on and the thought faded from mind. Normally she loved her laptop,
Foundry Furnace Part 4 – Gasoline Burner

This video is an overview of the gasoline burner systems and a test firing of the foundry furnace: Gasoline and Waste Oil Foundry Furnace from Jake von Slatt on Vimeo. Jake von Slatt's gasoline and waste oil foundry, tour and test firing of the gasoline injector system. For the
Gothic Revival
I've been thinking a lot about Goth lately. I missed the advent of Goth almost entirely. In my youth I was a devotee of Punk and New Wave, a child of the second British invasion. Goth didn't really get going until just about the time I was entering the
Dryer Door Hard Drive Magnet Hack

I started with a piece of scrap wood and screwed to it three magnets that I salvaged from a couple of old hard drives. Each hard drive has two magnets like this inside. I put a kitchen cabinet handle on the front to make it easier to remove.
Brass Dragon!

Back in August I received a slightly odd email: Phil is drawing a cover for Windycon's Blaylock short story collection, and he sort of used you as the guy building a mechanical dragon in his garage… Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time. If it wasn't,
Jake’s 2009 Steampunk Gift Guide – A few of my favorite things.
The definition of steampunk is still a fluid and flexible thing, and that's exactly how I like it. When we talk about what steampunk is we talk in generalities and we leave a lot open for interpretation and thus creativity. But there are some memes in steampunk which are
Rechargable Lantern Battery Flashlight Mod

I have several 6 volt lantern flashlights kicking around the shop. However, I never use them because I generally baulk at the $7 they want for a lantern battery that can't be recharged. But the other day I noticed a 4Ah 6 volt recharable lead acid battery at Home