Steampunk Archive
Married to the Sea

The always interesting and oft times quirky Married to the Sea does Steampunk. I’m telling ya, getting made fun of is one of the important milestones on the path to world domination.
Jules Vernian Analog Synthesizer

It makes me happy when people write me about things they’ve made, and when they’ve been inspired or have adopted techniques they’ve learned from the Steampunk Workshop it makes me very happy indeed! Peter wrote me a while back with some pictures of his latest project, a Jules Verne
Sequential Glass – Steampunk Resource
I am often asked where I acquire the materials I use in my work. The answer isn’t really simple as they come from a multitude of sources like our town dump, dumpster diving, craigslist, roadside trash pick-up, as well as gifts from friends and family. But there is one
USS Salem Steampunk Command Phone

My friend David dropped me a note a couple of days ago along with this photo of a telephone aboard a WW II era warship. The phone is absolutely gorgeous! I particularly like the the anchor and rope motif in the brass escutcheon. David goes on to write:
Boston Phoenix Video
I completely forgot that The Boston Phoenix shot video when they came out to the workshop to interview me! They've just put it up on their site and I've embedded it here: If you haven't read the whole piece you should! It contains a LOT more then just me,
The Heather Gold Show

On Saturday May 3, Cap’n Robert of Abney Park, Libby Bulloff of SteamPunk Magazine and I will be on The Heather Gold Show which will be streamed live from the main stage at Maker Faire. From Heather’s site: How can you be authentic to yourself and part of a
Defending the Electronic Frontier- A Steampunk Warrior Pinup!

I’ve been thinking about what this whole Steampunk thing is and I still haven’t gotten a handle on it. But anything that brings together such a wide range of artists, makers, and fans has got to be good. Is there any other hobby that will bring you email from
Victorian All-in-One PC

The inexorable march of technology has rendered my 4:3 aspect ratio 19″ LCD mod and my pump-less water cooled PC obsolete, so when I saw at 24″ wide screen monitor on sale for $299.00 I grabbed it with the intent on making a Steampunk All-in-One PC. The first
Special Offer on Ann & Jeff VanderMeer’s Steampunk

Alas, this special offer has ended. A big Thank You goes out to Ann & Jeff VanderMeer for the multitude of Zeppelins drawn for our readers! Steampunk is now in stores and can be ordered through Amazon.
The SteamPunk Future
So you probably all saw Merlin Mann's Steampunk DIY video blog monologue on Boing Boing yesterday, well I thought he was being a little bit mean and I happen to know a couple of things about the future of SteamPunk . . . The Steampunk Future: Hi, this is