Steampunk Archive
Steampunk Vacuum Tube Guitar Amp

A Steampunk guitar amp to go with the Steampunk Strat! I just finished this project for Nathaniel Johnstone of Abney Park and you will get to see its debut with Nathan and several other musicians and performers including the Deshret Dance Company at the Carnivale Mechanique at this year’s Maker
The Art of Ivan Mavrovic

Click through to Mental Design to see an amazing collection of artwork by Ivan Mavrovic including this skull mouse! I particularly like the cellphones he's done and the his Steampunk keyboard the "Crystal Deluxe" is one of the best ever! I so want a pair of the Steampunk Matrix spectacles
Life Inc. Douglas Rushkoff
A couple of years ago I sat down and tried to write a description of what Steampunk was as a sub-culture, or more precisely, what I thought it could be. I filled half a moleskine with my scribblings before I decided the whole exercise was hubris, folly,
Morbid Outlook does Steampunk

Here is a nice article in the online 'zine Morbid Outlook on the subject of Steampunk. Featured are the work and images of many of my friends including the multi-talented Libby Bulloff and local Boston artist David Dowling along with quotes from the always wonderful Steampunk Magazine. While I
Steampunk Keyboard Mod

My goal with this project was to build a retro keyboard that was fully functional and of a sufficient quality that it could be used everyday by a touch typist. In order to achieve this I chose a high quality (though widely available) keyboard as my starting point. This
Modern Alchemy – The building of Ignatius The Firepig.
You may recall Patrick Johnson’s marvelous short film Granite Copper Motor from earlier this year. Recently Patrick spent some time with my friends David, Dennis, and Brady, while they designed and constructed a steam boiler dubbed ‘Ignatius the Firepig.’ I do so love Patrick’s calm and peaceful treatment which is the
The Gear Box

TxInkman writes: I dabble in the restoration of old wood maschinist’s chests. Gareth over at the Make blog wrote a very nice article about of a couple of my boxes and Toolmonger has featured a few of them. One you might particularly appreciate for it’s moderate Steampunkyness, the
Damnation Hildebrandt!

Things have been far too quiet, I have heard nothing from the labs of my arch nemesis Jake-of-all-Trades Hildebrandt – and now I know why. Not since Kirk bellowed "KHAAA….AAN!!" has the interwebs heard such exasperation! So THIS is what you've been up to? My god man, what have
Steampunk Kamaro (Camaro)

When I was a boy I vividly recall encountering, for the first time, a 1978 Camaro Z28 in a parking lot on my way home from school. I was stunned! I thought: "OMG! This is F%$king Vader’s car!" While I now value very different things, I still have a
Classy Mini Mod

Isn’t this a classy iPod mod! Neil Writes: Hi! I’ve created a steampunk ipod mod, and thought you might be of interest for the steampunk workshop. Well, it’s copper and wood, so it’s sort of steampunk at any rate (I’d put some valves on it, but it’s already the heaviest