Projects Archive
Vintage Receiver Repair – finding a noisy transistor

Troubleshooting and repair of the vintage Pioneer SX-838 receiver that had a noisy transistor. In this video I clean all of the controls, switches, and potentiometers and then because I didn’t have the necessary 2NA725 PNP transistor, I substituted a 2N3906 PNP transistor and it worked great! Featuring music
How to build, bright, high-quality flickering LED lanterns!

When I was young I went to Disney World and while I enjoyed the park, it was the lighting fixture and effects that really captivated my interest. In particular I loved the flickering lanterns that festooned the tree in the waiting area for Splash Mountain. For years I’ve wanted
WTF is a Saturable Reactor?

A saturable reactor is an arcane piece of electrical kit that modulates a large AC current with a small DC input. This unit was removed from a Bridgeport Series II CNC milling machine where it was used to regulate the power supply to the stepper motor drivers that moved
TIL: you can totally use a Ford regulator on a Toyota alternator, it bolts right on!

TIL: you can totally use a Ford regulator on a Toyota alternator, it bolts right on!
Heat Bluing Steel for my 2×72 Inch Belt Grinder Project

I’m in the process of building a 2″ x 72″ belt grinder powered by the permanent magnet motor from an old treadmill. The business end of the grinder is a pair of rollers and platen that supports the sanding belt. I milled these out of some 3/8″ steel plate
260 Pound DIY Anvil

I built a 260 pound anvil from some scrap steel plate. The top plate was hardened in superquench and the horn was CNC milled on my Bridgeport Series II.
Meet Geordi The Forge!

I built a coal forge from the remnants of an old Burnham oil furnace and a bunch of other junk I found at the town dump.
The #ratwelder – Part 5 in the DIY Welder Series!

The latest episode in the homemade welder series wherein I complete an enclosure for the #ratwelder so I can store it outside without having to put a tarp over it.
The Steampunk Roadster

Update: car has been sold! In a few short months The Steampunk Workshop will celebrate it’s 10th birthday! I can barely believe that it’s been ten whole years since this whole “steampunk” thing blew up on the internets. It’s been a lot of fun for me, but I also
Stroh Violin Repair

I generally do not take commissions, however every once in a while a friend will ask me to make or repair something and it will be an interesting enough project that I will take it on. That was the case with this Stroh violin. The Stroh violin was an