A Scarf a Day!
Hey y'all! SPWS' own Meredith Scheff is doing a "Scarf-a-Day" project that you should definitely check-out!
Starting january 1, 2011, I will make one scarf a day each day in the month. I'll be using everything from traditional techniques and materials to the experimental, the new, the weird, the possibly edible. At the end of the month there will be an art show and interactive scarf making session.
Why a scarf a day? I love the idea of wearable art, silly but functional. I'm also really inspired by the works that have come out of the various [ ]-a-day projects- they push you to your limits and make you think of things you never would otherwise. Jewelry is OK for some, but for me, personal adornment is best when it's warm and fuzzy. And silly. And fun. Or weird.
This project is the recipient of an Awesome Foundation grant, but I need help to really pull this off with style. I'll be using all sorts of tech and materials- laser cutters, cnc machines, soft circuit tech, anything I can get my hands on!
I'll also be blogging the heck out of the project at www.ladycartoonist.com