Meredith Scheff Archive
The Man’s Heart: New Kinetic Project – Part One
I was commissioned this year by the Burning Man project to create a very special project: a beating, kinetic, heart for none other than The Man. Being on the build team for Mr. Splinters (El Hombre del Fuego, Dude Man, The Great False Idol) I was honored and wanted
Agatha Heterodyne and the Voice of the Castle
At Comic-Con this year, Phil Foglio was kind enough to give me a copy of the newest Girl Genius book. I've been a fan of the series for a while, flitting in and out as my time and internet connection would allow. But with this book, I'm hooked! The
SPWS’s Meredith Scheff at Comic-Con San Diego

(image: I express some sort of emotion at Jake’s hat) I will be attending Comic-Con this year from Friday-Sunday, and I’d love to meet some SPWS readers/fans- especially if you are attending in your external-combustion-punk outfits (external combustion? Get it?), costumes, or if you are showing off your
Portrait of a mad scientist: Alan Rorie of

(image: Alan Rorie working on the Dihemispheric Chronaether Agitator. Photo by Flickr user and KSW patron Great!steam) I've never been so enamored with any character type as I have with the mad scientist. The shop, filled with inventions, doo-dads; explosions from nowhere send machinery flying while (s)he runs yelling
And for this post I digress: That which writ the Guide

I know, I know- we’re a specialty blog. Steampunk. Gears. Brass. Tophats. Things of that nature. However.. I think that I am allowed one post that has nothing to do with Steampunk per se. I give you: The typewriter. The typewriter that belonged to Douglas Adams. The typewriter that
Slightly disturbing but beautiful steampunk leather mask

Livejournal user Bob_basset created this beautiful, if slightly intimidating, mask out of leather and brass. ..I suppose, even gimps are getting into the steampunk. I can’t help but re-imagine that scene from pulp fiction..
KMODDL: the incredible maker resource

A friend of mine recently turned me on to the incredible resource Kinematic Models for Design Digital Library, or KMODDL, run by the Library at Cornell University. The site has many, many models of different mechanical movements, designs, gears- and enough brassy bits and whatchamajigs to keep your boiler
SCRA: Webcomic Questionable Content invents most awesome band, ever.

The always-awesome webcomic Questionable Content has been running a short series of fictional (but for how long?) band "Society for Creative Rock Anachronism". He’s only 2 strips into the story arc at the moment, but apparently response has been, well, wide-eyed geeky obsessive enthusiasm. Go check it out.
Rusty, corroded, extremelly beautiful jewlery comes with free tetanus shot

The jewelry made by Flickr user The Justified Sinner does not, in fact, come with a painful jab to the arm; but is extremely beautiful. I would love to adorn myself in his creations- the rust and polish are SP’s version of denim and lace. Seen here is
Paul Cesewski’s Railcar on a Death-Defying Ride of Doom
Thirty Second Shingle Ride from Dr. Terwilliker on Vimeo. My buddy Paul Cesewski (and former shop-mate/shipyardian) built this rail-car that tickles all my maker-buttons: made from recycled parts, can go fast, utilizes an obscure form of locomotion, has a good possibility of injury, and serves no readily logical purpose