Ephemera Archive
Stonybrook Fine Arts- DIY space in Boston

I’ve been chillaxing for awhile now in Boston. It’s very unusual that I stay in a place for more than 3 nights, and I’ve been here 3 weeks. The reason for my extended stay is Stonybrook Fine Arts, a bad-ass DIY space, classroom, metal shop. This is exactly the
Blanket Magazine

Blanket Magazine has a short piece of Steampunk on the web this month, but that is mainly just the excuse I used to post. Blanket magazine is: . . . is a free PDF online magazine that is aimed at uncovering art + design + photography from the talented
Dead Simple Charging Station

Here's a dead simple cell phone charging station I installed next to our main entrance. It's just a pair of hangers of the sort you'd use in the garage to store a shovel or a rake. If your wall isn't made of barn-board like ours, you can screw the
TechnOccult interview with Alex CF

TechnOccult inteviews wunderkammer artist AlexCF: I guess it all started with this little box, called “The Vampire Legacy Case” about a 14th century aristocratic vampire, the last rites and possessions of this vampiric lord. I had the idea of creating an alternative past, creating characters and species with which
Clockwork Hand

The Clockwork Hand by deviantart user Astalo is lovely in it’s craftsmanship. It is, however, a strange cross between cyborg upgrade and flirtatious torture device- wear it for super strength or make someone else wear it, turn the crank, forcibly making the ‘come hither’ motion , over and over
Handsome font for you pica pushers
Typography can be (and usually is) tremendous amount of stress. I, for one, tear my hair out every time I see the currently ubiquitous Bleeding Cowboys; another friend has a dysfunctional relationship with Papyrus- over and over he vows it’s over- only to be found trysting at midnight, kerning.
Steampunk Keyboard from Germany

Kay writes: I have often been inspired and impressed by your work. Here you can see one of my lastest projects. It’s a original german steampunk keyboard. More pics you find at: www.flickr.com/photos/steamtux There is nothing I like to hear more then that! and man-oh-man did he do a

This morning I was telling my daughter about the creatures called "Cattails" that Larry Niven invented for World out of Time. I remember enjoying that book a lot but more than anything the description of the genetically modified cat/snake hybrid stuck with me. It had the head of a
Dig my grave with a lacy shovel: The art of Cal Lane
Cal Lane is quite a lady. Oxy-acetalyne torch in hand, she intracately carves out lace-like patterns out of shovels, wheelbarows, cars, and most impresively- full sized I-beams. Just looking at her work, I wish i was able to experience it first hand- These formidable, unwieldy, solid hunks of steel
Austin, Grackles, and the Junk King

I have been tootling around Austin for a couple days now, guided mainly by locals scribbling favored destination on scraps of paper. I’ve visited (and took a dip in) Austin’s famed Barton Springs park ("dude" an old hippie told me "it’s, like, Austin’s spiritual center"), drank Shiner Bock at