Video Archive
My kind of Steampunk
From The Men That Will Not Be Blaimed for Nothing. This is how I like my Steampunk. \m/
Fantasy Clocks
A short film about Richard Birkett of Fantasy Clocks from Town Square Films. Favorite quote: "The people who like my clocks tend to be the better people on the planet." I am certain most vistors to The Steampunk Workshop resemble that remark!
Mjöllnir Lamps for the Roadster

Some projects take a long time. Sometimes I start something and then put it aside, in this case for more that two years! When Make:TV came out to the workshop to shoot a profile of me in July of 2008, one of the projects that I worked on for
Put a Gear On It!
This is wonderful and I love it very hard indeed! Via Sepiachord who can also be found on twitter.
Steampunk on BBC America
STEAMPUNKS 2011 from Andy Gallacher on Vimeo. A lovely little piece from the folks at BBC America featuring some of my favorite New York Steampunks that aired this past Tuesday in the U.S.!
Vice Versus series on Covers Steampunk
The series Vice Versus covers Steampunk. If you’re an East Coast steampunk or hang out in The SteamFashion Community on LJ you’ll see many familiar faces here in as a bunch of NY steamers visit the New York Anime Festival and talk about steampunk and Anime’s Neo-Victorian influences
Oxford Steampunk Exhibition Documentary
A very nice documentary about the Steampunk exhibition at the Oxford Museum of the History of Science. This exhibition was curated by Art Donovan who you will recall did a similar gallery show in the Hamptons last year. [Via Make:Blog]
Shout-out from Attack of the Show
Oh hai! we got a nice little shout-out from G4’s Attack of the Show! (This is from 2007 but it apparently aired again last night – can anyone tell me what episode?)
Modern Alchemy – The building of Ignatius The Firepig.
You may recall Patrick Johnson’s marvelous short film Granite Copper Motor from earlier this year. Recently Patrick spent some time with my friends David, Dennis, and Brady, while they designed and constructed a steam boiler dubbed ‘Ignatius the Firepig.’ I do so love Patrick’s calm and peaceful treatment which is the