Steampunk Archive

Steampunk Art @ Oxford

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The Steampunk exhibition at the Oxford Museum of the History of Science opened yesterday! Art Donovan writes: I promise you that the art in this show is nothing like you have ever seen! Not to be "booster-ish" or anything, but I’ve had to wire my jaw closed after seeing the artist’s works

Steampunk month at Tor Books!

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It’s Steampunk month at Tor Books!  See the Introduction to Steampunk Month here which includes a large index of what you can sxpect to see this month.   Of particular interest to this scrapyard sociologist are Steampunk as Subculture and No Elitism Please, We’re Steampunk both by Jaymee Goh.

SteamCon Seattle – October 23-25, 2009

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  Well it’s October at last!  Here at the Workshop most of our projects will go on hold while we prepare for Hallowe’en, but I do plan to take a few days off to attend SteamCon in Seattle!  Tor books has a great interview with Steamcon Vice Chair Diana

Steampunk’d Broadcast Controller

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Tom Favell of Hi Tech Systems writes: Your website gave me the inspiration to make a steampunk version of one of our controllers for a recent trade show. I had never heard of steampunk and was going to make a 30’s style unit all Bakelite with large dials, when

Steampunk Tales #2

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I finally found a few minutes to sit down and take a look at Steampunk Tales and I was pleasantly surprised.  Steampunk Tales is an anthology of short fiction which is delivered to you digitally in multiple formats: Emulating the style of the pulp adventure magazines of the 1920s

Steampunk MAME!

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Doug writes: I thought I'd pass on a project I've been working on for a couple weeks. I am a Steampunk fan, to be sure…but also a fan of old horror films.  I thought it would be fun to take both and combine them for a "MAME" arcade cabinet. You probably know

Boston Fashion Week Features a Steampunk Designer!

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  Photo: Essdras M Suarez – Boston Globe Staff There’s a nice piece in the Boston Globe today about Boston’s Fashion Week, but what particularly caught my eye was the mention of local designer Elena Sanders who was also mentioned back in May and is participating in a show entitled "The Launch."

Shout-out from Attack of the Show

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Oh hai! we got a nice little shout-out from G4’s Attack of the Show! (This is from 2007 but it apparently aired again last night – can anyone tell me what episode?)

Datamancer Steampunk Keyboard Kits For Sale!

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Rich "Datamancer" Nagy writes: Hello everyone, I thought I'd let you all know that I have added a page to the site for the keyboard frames that contains pics and more info. I have also decided to offer the frames in raw, unfinished metal for those of you

Dave Geertsen’s Steampunk Motorcycle

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  Quote from L.A. Bike Show Website "What is it? Some bike contest entries defied classification and description…" We know what it is, don't we folks?  It's Steampunk!   This is the home of Dave Geertsen's home made metal sculpture on wheels,the wheels are straight but his custom motorcycles are anything