Art Archive
Stonybrook Fine Arts- DIY space in Boston

I’ve been chillaxing for awhile now in Boston. It’s very unusual that I stay in a place for more than 3 nights, and I’ve been here 3 weeks. The reason for my extended stay is Stonybrook Fine Arts, a bad-ass DIY space, classroom, metal shop. This is exactly the
Blanket Magazine

Blanket Magazine has a short piece of Steampunk on the web this month, but that is mainly just the excuse I used to post. Blanket magazine is: . . . is a free PDF online magazine that is aimed at uncovering art + design + photography from the talented
NIMBY must raise another $14,700 by December 15th
From : The outpouring of support for NIMBY in the past week has been inspiring. Excitement is building in the final countdown to taking possession of the new space. Thank you to everyone who has contributed thus far. NIMBY is well on its way to making through a
The Clockwork Quartet

I have legions of minions (both cybernetic and meatiform) so if you say ‘steampunk’ anywhere on the interwebs I’m liable to pop up in UR LJ or UR Flickr within hours. Such was the case this morning when I discovered this marvellous machine built by banjo player Will Segerman
TechnOccult interview with Alex CF

TechnOccult inteviews wunderkammer artist AlexCF: I guess it all started with this little box, called “The Vampire Legacy Case” about a 14th century aristocratic vampire, the last rites and possessions of this vampiric lord. I had the idea of creating an alternative past, creating characters and species with which
Clockwork Hand

The Clockwork Hand by deviantart user Astalo is lovely in it’s craftsmanship. It is, however, a strange cross between cyborg upgrade and flirtatious torture device- wear it for super strength or make someone else wear it, turn the crank, forcibly making the ‘come hither’ motion , over and over
Fables cover art book out today
The long awaited (release has been pushed back several times) cover art book for Fables has come out today. It compiles all the amazing and moving covers that James Jean has done for the series, issues 1-75. The cherry on top that is really making me squeal with

This morning I was telling my daughter about the creatures called "Cattails" that Larry Niven invented for World out of Time. I remember enjoying that book a lot but more than anything the description of the genetically modified cat/snake hybrid stuck with me. It had the head of a
Dig my grave with a lacy shovel: The art of Cal Lane
Cal Lane is quite a lady. Oxy-acetalyne torch in hand, she intracately carves out lace-like patterns out of shovels, wheelbarows, cars, and most impresively- full sized I-beams. Just looking at her work, I wish i was able to experience it first hand- These formidable, unwieldy, solid hunks of steel
EgoPhobia Steampunk Edition

The Romanian publication EgoPhobia has just released it’s Steampunk Experiment. It’s really a wonderful take on the movment and includes a great interview with artist Sean Orlando (© photo by John Curley) I think that there are a lot of people out there who are simply dissatisfied with throwaway